Maybe it’s because you’ll see a lot shirtless people on the course, it’s no surprise that the most important Spartan Race gear you’ll bring to a race is your shoes. Deciding what the best Spartan Race shoes to wear are can be difficult, but there are some key elements you will want to look for before purchasing a pair for your next race.
Spartan Race vs Tough Mudder: The Only Guide You Need
Two of the biggest OCR series in the U.S., and around the world for that matter, are Spartan Race and Tough Mudder. Both of these race series have dozens of events around the world each year, and both brands are growing at a rapid pace. There are a lot of similarities between Spartan Race vs Tough Mudder, such as average field sizes and number of race length options. But, the key differences are what will make or break your experience at these events, whether you are new to OCR or you’ve looking to advance your way through the sport…